Marc Chagall – From lithography to stained-glass windows

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) is particularly known in the Zürich landscape for his stained-glass windows at the Fraumünster. He produced stained-glass windows altogether for fifteen buildings worldwide – either public or religious. We can also count among them the synagogue of the medical centre Hadassah in Ein Kerem, near Jerusalem, where he created twelve windows focussing on the theme of the twelve tribes of Israel.

The exhibition Marc Chagall – From lithography to stained-glass windows displays a portfolio of lithographs made in relation to the Jerusalem project. It brings to light the story of this unique order, its creation process as well as its iconographic specificities, such as the absence of the human figure.
Chagall remains true to his colourful universe and to his fabulous animals. He here «unleashes and brings together all the strength of a big orchestra» (Julien Cain, member of the «Institut», 1961).