Radomir Damnjanović Damnjan (born in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1935) is a Serbian painter and conceptual artist. He lives and works in Belgrade and Milan. He is present on the art scene since the late fifties. Since the seventies he creates and works parallel in the Yugoslav and Italian socio-political and cultural context. He graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1957, and finished post-graduate studies in 1959. His first solo was exhibition in Belgrade in 1958. He also participated in numerous group exhibitions at home and abroad  since 1959. He has exhibited in Kassel (1964), the São Paulo Biennale (1963), Venice (1966, 1976), Tokyo (1967) and Bratislava (1968). As a Fulbright scholar was in Los Angeles and New York 1971 – 1972. Since 1974 he has lived in Milan.

Engaged in painting, drawing, graphics, photography, film and video performance. During the sixties, early in his career, Damnjan dealed with symbolic painting, abstract and minimal out features. Since the seventies used new media – video, photography and performance, while the painting approached its analytical power. At the turn of the ninth decade of the last century Damnjan thematically turned to ‘still life’ and ‘(auto) portrait’, which he implements as a floor or wall installations painted in the spirit of postmodern quotation ‘new pointillism.