Dusan Dzamonja | Sculptures and Drawings


The Gallery Thalberg proudly presents the exhibition Dušan Džamonja | Sculptures and Drawings, from October 31st 2017 to January 13th 2018.

Born in Ex-Yugoslavia, Džamonja (1928-2009) studied at the academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and is particularly known for his monumental memorials in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in Italy.
His brutalist sculptures brought him to fame during the 1960’s.

He contributed to the Venice Biennale in 1960, where he was nominated for the Grand Prix, and received numerous further distinctions. To mention a few, he was decorated with the second award at the Biennale in 1962 or the Award of the jury at the Biennale of Original Drawing in 1986. In 2008 he received the Award Vladimir Nazor for his lifetime achievement in art.

The displayed selection of sculptures illustrates his use and combination of different materials —metal, stone, wood, and polyester— while the drawings offer a two-dimensional correspondence to his modernist shapes.

A catalogue is edited along with the exhibition.

You are welcome to attend the opening on October 31st, 2017, at 6 p.m.
